Sunday, August 19, 2012

UFO Hawaii Pt.62 - Superloveprogramme

UFO Hawaii Station-ID
M.Frog - Amphibian Chaff
Messerchups - Trashman Upgrade
Chimente et Rizzati - Voleur
Charly Antolini - Handycraft
Lalo Schiffrin - Bullit
Henry Mancini - Follow Me (Love Song)
Education Rock - Three is the Magic Number
Gummy- J MyLove 1
Bene Lux - Superloveprogramme
 Annie - The Greatest Hit
 ? - Pop Sound
Nazz - Loosen Up
R. San - Vilmas Theme
The Herbalizer - Something Wicked
Pedro of CBR - Camel Without Filter
Brittle Stars - Someplace
Millenianova - Emotional Sightseeing
UFO Hawaii Station-ID
Henry Mancini - ?